Ever since she first though about her senior photos, she knew she wanted to take them in a sunflower field. Luckily, we knew right where to find one and when to do it. Sunflowers bloom in August, and there are a few local fields in our area that allow photographers to shoot freely for a donation towards the seeds. This field was beautiful.
Once I knew my client wanted to shoot in this location, I tested it out with my own two daughters to make sure there were enough good spots that weren't trampled by the public. I wanted to make sure the sun would be in the right place in the sky to get the golden glow we were after. It was a great help that this client knew exactly what she wanted and had a perfect smile for posing. On our drive out to the field, we made a few stops including this dirt road we spotted on the way to add some variety to her session.
Before the evening was finished, she took a few with her favorite pup. The sun was setting fast, but luckily she was well rehearsed in posing, and I knew how to get the pup to look at just the right time. After discovering some Dahlias at the back of the field, we took advantage for even more shots. And even after a short mishap early in the evening of her pup locking her mom out of their vehicle for about 20 minutes, we were done before the sun set and ended up with more variety than we expected.